You’ve just boarded the plane when you spot an easy 8.5 (worldy) across the aisle struggling to squeeze her case in the overhead locker.
She didn’t notice you, but you certainly noticed her – and by the looks of things she’s NOT with a fella!
What do you do?

Chances are, like most guys you’ll do nothing because you’re a pussy and without booze, you’re scared to approach women.
Besides that shameful fact, you’re seated right down the back of the plane and she’s near the front.
Game over, right???
Not anymore… (apparently)

AirDates is a new dating app which allows you connect with users on the same flight WITHOUT WiFi.
Once you’ve punched your travel details into the app, you’ll have instant access to other users on-board to flirt, f**k or chat with on your flight.
It’s dubbed the “Tinder for air Travel” and is currently in it’s BETA mode on the Apple App store.
So if you’ve ever wanted to join the mile-high club – there’s never been a better time 😉

Note: I’m actually yet to try this app, so can’t personally recommend.