What to get your brother on his 21st birthday?

Like most lads, I’m shit at remembering people’s birthday. In fact, if it wasn’t for Facebook – chances are I’d even forget my own!

It’s May 25, and I get a phone call from my Mum: “Please don’t tell me you’ve forgotten it’s Tommy’s Birthday today?” She said.

“Tommy who?” I ask…

I’m not going to say what the crazed woman followed with – but she was absolutely furious I’d forgotten my little brother’s 21st!!


So I phoned Mark (the other brother) to see if he’d also forgotten. “Of course I forgot” he said. For a moment I felt less guilty.

But he then told me how his feisty Missus, Cassie hadn’t forgot and they’d sorted him to VIP tickets for We Are FSTVL, in Essex!

Damn! Why didn’t I think of that. Tommy’s never been to a festival before.

We Are FSTVL 2016
Me and Tommy (left) Mark and Cass (centre) at We Are FSTVL 2016


And then it come to me.

What is the one thing guys never, EVER forget?

Their first Lads Holiday!!

Boom! #winning



Rounding the boys up was easy as nobody’s going to say no to a £150 holiday!

Picking the destination was even easier, especially after the guys at BH Mallorca invited us to their BCM Beach Club Party and world’s first adult only water park!

The party island’s newest and hottest club, Faces has just opened and guess who’s going VIP.

Happy birthday Tommy.

I may have forgot your birthday but you sure as hell won’t forget my gift to you!!

Roll on June 30th!!